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Maybe make it so we rotate with the mouse wheel?

sorry, i won't do any more updates on this project :)
Working on some other things rn


Thank for answering <3


Игру можно пройти заспамив все в центр, проблема разве что в том, что есть шанс споить космонавтов. 

учитывая сколько коллизий я наставил вокруг игровой зоны космонавты скорее всего останутся абстинентами, а вот монстры бэкрумса да, ахуеют знатно от количества попадающих к ним напитков🥴


Рисовка - достаточно интересная
Геймплей - для такого жанра хороший
Звуки - шикарны
12 из 10 на кончиках пальцев

Рад стараться два вас сеньор банан😎😎


Great game, but sometimes 3 drinks fuse into 1. AND I CANT BEAT IT T-T

Glad you liked it!! 

About fusions yea sometimes this happen and i seemengly can't really do anything about it rn 'cause of godot logic (or my coding skill issue), sorry :_)) 

If you want I can upload cheated version tho ahahah


yes plssss do a cheated version i suck at suika games

(3 edits)


I see the devlog update but the file doesn't show up with the rest of them

it's pinned IN devlog. I didn't want to everyone go straight to cheated version so i put it there

that happens in almost every suika game lmao


The art is pretty nice. But there's some pretty annoying bugs with the physics still. The two main ones being that combining drinks can often lead to the newly formed drink "jumping" upwards on top a higher point than either of the drinks were previously. The other issue is that you can get a game over while some objects are still tipping, which is particularly annoying when combined with the previous issue. It means you can combine two drinks, the new drink will spawn higher up, and while it is falling over you'll get a game over.


Thx for review! <3
About jumping upward - it's a workaround for drinks to at least not disappear because of messy collidings, so it's kind of necessary feature...
But I'll def look what i can do about this and second one issue in upcoming patch, along with other corrections and additions ;)